They told me they were keeping you up at night.
Is that true?
I’ve been there too…
That program you want to launch…
The course you’re going to create…
The neverending swirl of content ideas that never turn into posts and emails…
Ooh, ooh, and that new product you just thought up…
And, and, and…
You have big ideas, great ideas! But they keep you up at night and require you to continuously purchase new notebooks and pads of Post-Its because you don’t know how to take them from idea to REAL life. You struggle to translate it into tangible things that make you money and grow your business forward.
Enter MindSweep Mapping (not to be confused with plain old Mind Mapping); this is my signature one-on-one offering that helps you go from inspiration to ACTION on your half-formed thoughts and insomnia-inducing ideas.
MindSweep Mapping is one part coaching and one part mind mapping and will give you clear, concise action steps to getting to where you want to go.
MindSweep Mapping Helps You Find Your Way (and stay the course!)
Examples of what I’ve helped clients MindSweep Map:
New products, services, programs, and courses they want to launch into the world
A steady stream of content for blogs, emails, social media, and more!
A presentation and how to focus a workshop or talk
Processes and systems within their business
Ideal clients and understanding their motivations and challenges
The answer to what’s next for your business and life
You’ll walk away with an action plan that’s specific to you and what you’re building and a lot of excitement for the magic you can create!
It gives you a clear understanding of what you’re trying to achieve and how to get there, with a visual action plan you can use as your North Star any time you get lost along the way!
MindSweep Mapping is a unique alternative to traditional thinking and idea generation.
Ready to experience it for yourself?
Not your average mind mapping session!
Are you curious about the science of Mind Mapping?
From Ness Labs “Have you ever struggled to put your thoughts on paper and create connections between concepts? Mind mapping is one of the most effective ways to capture and connect various thoughts. The power of mind mapping: While classic notes are linear, mind mapping forces you to connect old and new concepts together. The flexible layout is akin to brain connections, creating links between thoughts to build a bigger picture, and making information easier to retrieve in various contexts.”
“My favorite part of mapping with you was watching my scattered thoughts become a connected network of cogent and manageable ideas and actions.
Mindsweep Mapping is a tool for creating your own way forward, with Jamie as a supportive and encouraging guide and expert cartographer.
The process is deceptively simple, yet brings out a flow of aligned ideas. One of the best parts is watching seemingly unrelated thoughts become a web of cogent and manageable actions.
For those of us with a neurospicy brain, Mindsweep Mapping is a true gift!
“Being in your company, the energy of being with someone (rather than on zoom) was nice; the creativity that you were able to unleash was amazing! I especially enjoyed the end result - the ability to bring forth on paper (more tangible) the things that light me up, and of course, ultimately recognizing a path forward that is fun.
Jamie led me through a one-hour experience that brought my best and brightest business ideas to light. With well-directed questions, she helped me to find a more heart-centered purpose and intention for my work.
My mind map has become like a treasure map, every time I look at it, I feel inspired, motivated, and excited to take the next steps toward my life's work. Thank you, Jamie!”
“I consider myself a pretty organized and simultaneously creative person. Able to work through lots of problems, scenarios, and make massive brain dumps that could rival even your longest CVS receipt.
Then I met Jamie Chapman. Then she introduced me to her MindSweep Mapping technique.
Then I realized that there were things in my brain that had never been invited to come out before!
She helped me begin with an idea/change I was looking to make in my business and map out not just the steps needed to take to implement it but also all the pieces and parts I hadn't even factored into the equation! All those "what if's" and "how abouts" and "did you considers" that were stuck inside my brain and would've come up as obstacles down the road, this gave me a proactive way to address them all.
It was one part coaching, one part strategy and consulting, and one part sheer idea generation and creation.
I highly recommend MindSweep Mapping with Jamie to get the goals, decisions you're struggling to make, book ideas, or copy for that landing page out of your head and into a visually tangible form that will give you momentum to move forward on it.”
My mind mapping session with Jamie was a revelation.
I went into the session planning to conceptualize a new service - but was able to *literally* see underlying themes that I needed to address first. I wouldn't have been able to make the connections on my own. Jamie helped me to drill down to specific goals, but also gave me the space to dream a little bit.I loved the mind mapping methodology and appreciate Jamie's understanding and appreciation of neurodiversity. Not only did I discover a new way to get traction in my business, but I also felt seen and supported as a human whose brain just works a lil' differently.
The mind mapping was great!
Doing that free flow unencumbered exercise was very helpful, but really your expertise is what sets the mind mapping apart from what I’ve done in the past. You have experience that’s vast - the creative brain and analytical brain - and that’s a gift. You brought forward points that were not on my radar and needed to be. I love how you reminded me that I could take a detour or a shortcut, which is foreign to my all-or-nothing brain. I tend to plan all the things out, and if it can’t be perfect and as planned, I get defeated and think it can’t be at all. That reminder is a big deal in my life, especially now.
When you mentioned that some items could be their own separate map, that made a lot of sense to me too.
Boring linear documents & lists are what I tend to create for projects. This was a fun way to get things outta my mind and organize ideas.
I redid the map, rearranged some things, put it on white paper so it’s easier for me to see, and I’m ready to move my 1% each day.
“I worked with Jamie in her MindMapping session, and let me first say that watching her work is mesmerizing. She asked me questions, and I would just spew words that weren’t always even in any order. Then, she took what I said and wrote it out in a very logical, neat way. I was fascinated at how she was able to translate my passionate, half-formed thoughts into ideas for content, emails, FB lives, and marketing material. It was effortless for her!
She took me from overwhelmed and frozen with too many ideas to inspired and eager in a matter of 90 minutes. This is the best investment in my business I have ever made, and I can’t say enough about how wonderful Jamie is. This is nothing short of magic, and Jamie is a master wizard.”
“Jamie's MindSweep Mapping helped me to fully flesh out an idea that I had been ruminating on. It was something I couldn't quite figure out but I knew I wanted to offer something like it to my community. It was incredible how the process she took me through honed my message and clearly laid out the offer.”
“MindSweep mapping with Jamie was mind-blowing. She took all the thoughts floating in my head and organized them on paper leaving me with an execution plan and schedule to make it all happen. Her mind is amazing and I am fascinated every time it helps get my head straight.”
Ready for results like these?
Not ready to work with me yet?
It’s ok! I still want you in my world. You belong here.
Let’s Stay Connected!