
Friday, July 22nd

9-11:30 am

The Landing at Hudson Mills: The Writer’s Loft

*introductory pricing

MindSweep Mapping is turning ideas into profit by unlocking and visualizing your next step.

You will leave with:

Clear direction on an idea. Turning action into profit

A reusable method. A tool you can use to get unstuck, improve efficiency and save time

An open mind. To play, be creative, and think outside-of-the-box

Understand the brain. New awareness. Once you know better, you can do better

Community. New colleagues, friendships, support, ideas, and a safe space

Boosted creativity and mental capacity. A whole body and mind activity. 

How well are you able to:

  • form an idea

  • plan it out

  • communicate your thoughts

  • learn

  • think strategically 

  • and deliver with excellence?

If there was a way you could:

  • save time

  • increase productivity

  • help get your head around a large complex idea


Would you be interested?

Mind Sweep Mapping mirrors how our brain naturally and freely associates information and makes connections between pieces of data.

It’s like brainstorming with a tool to capture, organize, associate, and put all of your brilliant ideas together on one page.

Mindsweep Mapping will eliminate the gridlock of linear thinking and nurture the visual learner in all of us.

This technique will:

  • Make you more productive and efficient

  • Spark creative thinking

  • Offer an alternative to traditional thinking, communicating, creating, and learning

  • Teach you a new skill.

What’s included?

  • My instruction of MindSweep Mapping - a unique productivity tool!

  • Markers - but feel free to bring your own markers if you prefer!

  • Craft Paper - to map out your idea

  • A short meditation practice provided by Lisa Campbell of Mindfulfilled Meditation 

  • A Brain Gym activity provided by Pam Formosa of BrainFit Academy

  • Beautifully well-lit mill location - with Wild Hare & Brooklyn & Rye and more downstairs!

Why Jamie of Chickbook Creative?

“Jamie's MindSweep Mapping helped me to fully flesh out an idea that I had been ruminating on. It was something I couldn't quite figure out but I knew I wanted to offer something like it to my community. It was incredible how the process she took me through honed my message and clearly laid out the offer.

Mindmapping is a fun, creative, and effective way to not only capture ideas but the steps required to take those ideas to fruition. Although I've always liked the concept of mindmapping, I'd never been able to figure out how to transform the ideas to action. I realized I was simply missing some steps and Jamie's workshop helped me understand how to use mindmapping as a powerful idea-generating tool AND a roadmap to action. Jamie is also a wonderful resource for bouncing ideas around and/or helping you figure out if you're missing steps. I'm happy that I now have a tool that my creative brain enjoys working and playing with, but also a tool that my business owner persona can use in practical ways.”

“MindSweep mapping with Jamie was mind-blowing. She took all the thoughts floating in my head and organized them on paper leaving me with an execution plan and schedule to make it all happen. Her mind is amazing and I am fascinated every time it helps get my head straight.”

Do you feel overwhelmed by a big idea?

Do you struggle to prioritize efficiently?

Would it be helpful to have a tool that can help you plan faster and better?

Do you have a problem or idea that you need to break down, to find that first step?

Are you procrastinating on an idea you have for your business?

Are you buried underneath a mountain of post-it notes or notebooks of ideas? 

Are you overwhelmed with everything you need to accomplish?

Do you have a difficult time organizing your thoughts?

Do you want to be more focused?

If you answered yes to 2 or more of these questions, you now have a workshop that can help you solve these situations.

You have a Jamie-in-a-workshop opportunity to brainstorm, organize and put your ideas on paper. To visualize your first step will be to move into ACTION.