Weekly Mind Sweep - Week 26

Weekly Mind Sweep

Chickbook Creative / Weekly Mind Sweep / TLDR

  1. Don’t agonize. Organize.

  2. All great achievements require time.

  3. Stay Connected

Now, let’s sweep the brain…

Don't Agonize. Organize.

Don’t agonize. Organize - Florynce Kennedy

My mission is for women like you to be running the world, and I’m here to make it happen.

My mission feels of utmost importance this week. Each and every one of us has the power to make decisions in our homes, families, and businesses. It is time for us to take action. Your votes and money matter.

You can create a ripple effect when you link arms with me and take small, meaningful, consistent actions in the right direction.

We will need perseverance.

We will need to take action.

We will need each other.

All great achievements require time. Maya Angelou

All great achievements require time. Maya Angelou

I appreciate your feedback on my newest survey about my Weekly Mind Sweep!

I'm looking forward to curating and implementing a fresh new outline starting next week! I am grateful for your patience as I redesign and dig deeper into my Weekly Mind Sweep. I have consistently delivered 26 of my Weekly Mind Sweeps so far (which is exactly HALF of the year!) I am looking forward to sharing the new format with you!!

In the meantime, I would encourage you to:

Be involved in the community: Not part of my group yet? How?! Join here - Chickbook Creative Back to Business. If you know a woman in business that needs to be part of our community, please invite them!

Join my tour: Let’s connect, get to know each other, and make sh*t happen. Coffee Connects, and Ice Cream Lunches with bumper boats!

Attend a workshop: MindSweep Mapping in Hudson, MA, MindSweep Mapping at CoHo in NH, and Flip the Switch on your Marketing in Hudson, MA

Want one on one MindSweep Mapping? You can have that, too!

Want me all to yourself? You belong here; I can help.

Catalyst for Change, Jamie Chapman.

In other news…

What I love #chickbookjamieloves

Follow this hashtag for my weekly Jamie loves post on FB & Instagram

Feeling #FOMO about Coffee Connect? Join us!

What I’m reading: Building a Second Brain - Tiago Forte

Jamie Chapman

Oh, Hi! I’m Jamie Chapman

I’m a Small Business Consultant who recognizes you might do things a little bit differently, and I’m here for it. I help support small businesses in a wide variety of industries and have a special place in my heart for neurodiverse entrepreneurs and ADHD business owners.

If you find that you’re often dancing to the beat of a pen tapping against your desk instead of your own drum, I see you and get you. And I want you to keep on dancing.

I value getting to know the whole person as a business owner and taking a holistic, human view of their needs. I meet you where you’re at and support you in getting to where you want to go.

I love watching small business owners thrive and feel proud of what they’re building.

Founder and Owner of Chickbook Creative, I’ve gained years of career experience in systems, processes, accountability, leadership, and project management. I bring a multi-faceted approach to problem-solving and extensive knowledge of executive functioning, habit formation, and the neurodiverse and ADHD entrepreneur’s mind.

I see and understand the ADHD entrepreneur brain at work, and I'm passionate about supporting neurodivergent business owners in a way that lets them shine their light and bring their gifts to the world for all to see (and pay them for!).


🔥Weekly Mind Sweep | Perspective |Week 27


06/21/2022 Weekly Mind Sweep