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🧠 Weekly Mind Sweep #101| Mind Your Business | Reflection

Looking back helps you see the way forward.

Last week, we discussed December being the time of year when we desire to begin reflecting. This week, I invite you to bring your business to mind and practice the power of the pause by sitting down and looking back at 2023.

When you excitedly flipped open your crisp new planner/notebook/bujo for January 2023, what was your goal or priority for the year?

Go back and take a look at your notes. I'll wait here.

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Did you say, this year, I will;

  • Increase revenue - "I've found a market for my product or service, and it's time to grow."

  • Lower expenses - "I've recognized there is a way to cut costs and improve my process to save money."

  • Execute a strategic marketing plan - "I have a clear offer and a market that wants it. Now, it's time for the world to hear what I am bringing to the table."

  • Add or remove products or services - "I recognize what is working and what isn't, and it's time to clean things up."

  • Streamline systems and processes - "I know there is a way to save time, money, and attention and improve things."

Err, um. No, Jamie. That was different from what I had written down. [1]

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It's okay; you are not alone.

Uh, so now what?

  • Take time today to review - where you spent your time and energy. What worked? What didn't work? Grab a piece of paper, make two columns, and let all the reflections flow. Then, review again. What didn't work that I need to change? What did work that I could improve on?

  • 2024 is here - From this list, what could benefit your attention in the future? Take a few minutes to consider each one and what needs to be the priority starting point for the health and success of your business.

  • Consider support - Where could your business benefit from support? What still needs to be done? What isn't getting done? Why? Where are you ready to receive support to grow? [2] Want a free consultation? Schedule one here.

Detours are natural, and reflection is a tool for realignment.

If you worked on one of these items (or an item of your own), you still get to reflect!

  • Reflect - From what you focused on for 2023, what worked? What didn't work? Where is there room for improvement?

  • Discern - Do you feel ready to take on a new goal or priority for 2024, or does your 2023 goal need more work?

  • Perspective taking - If I were to review your business for last year, would I see that you've spent your time, energy, and attention focusing on that goal?

Challenges and unexpected events are part of the entrepreneurial journey.

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Plans, ideas, priorities, focus, goals, and your direction change all of the time. You may have decided to focus on revenue, and then life threw you a detour on your map.

What matters is that you recognize it, take time to reflect, and realign yourself with the direction you want to take.

By looking back daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, you're valuing the experience of what has happened to discern the next right action to take.

In the ever-evolving journey of entrepreneurship, each reflection, detour, and realignment is a step toward growth. As you embark on 2024, remember that your experiences shape your future.

Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and know that every small step forward (1%) compounds into significant progress. Your journey is unique, and the next turn awaits you!

Here's to another year of reflection, resilience, and one percent growth in the right direction.

Cheers to your continued success!

Are you ready to build a business you are proud of?

Let’s discuss how you can begin today!

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[1] I would LOVE to hear what your goal for 2023 was and how it went. Please reply to this email and tell me all about it!

[2] If you could use support to focus on working ON your business, I've got you. The Entrepreneur's BrainTrust is the community you've been looking for! We start in January! Need a personalized approach? Let's connect and discuss how 1:1 consulting can help you.

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