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05/03/2022 Weekly Mind Sweep

Weekly Mind Sweep

Chickbook Creative / Weekly Mind Sweep

  1. Contemplation: Execution: Create the muscle memory of getting things done.

  2. Citation of the Week: “Plan your execution. Execute your plan.” Anonymous

  3. Conversation Consideration: F.I.R.E. Week Four: Get Sh!t done.

  4. Check Your Reality: (Ask yourself hard questions.) No Regrets.

    Pssst. Save the date 6/3. I’m hosting my first IN PERSON WORKSHOP!

Now, let’s sweep the brain…

Contemplation: Resource: Successful business owners have support.


Execution is critical.

It's producing results from your ideas and strategy. Without it, your ideas are just hallucinations. (a paraphrase from my man Tommy Edison - what? I love the old guys! ICYMI)

To execute, you need:

  • Organization.

  • Motivation.

  • Time allocation.

There is no better way to learn than to do. Taking action will confirm the validity of your idea.

  • Keep it simple.

  • Identify one thing.

  • Know when to say no. (my specialty)

Creating new strategies around executing can be challenging because this can require change. Our brain prefers comfortable—safety over the unknown.

In this fascinating (to me) article from Harvard Business Review, the Secret to Successful Strategy Execution is knowing what decisions and actions to take next—having a clear understanding of what you need to do.

Having strategy, transparency, and accountability keep you from a 90% failure rate.

You don't have to do this alone. You belong here; I can help.

Citation of the Week: “You don't need to be guided, limited, and controlled by the unconscious through your judge.”― Byron Brown

2. Citation.

I believe the three keys to Getting Sh!t Done:

  1. Consistency - The daily dose is the secret! Small achievable actionable items every day. It builds trust in yourself, your ability, and your customers.

  2. Self Responsibility - you need to know your obstacles and how to overcome them. No excuses. Ask for help.

  3. Intention - to take action. You have to want it.

Struggle to do it alone? Having a partner helps!

F.I.R.E. Week Three: Your firebox of tools includes me.

3. Conversation Consideration.

My final week of sharing my FOUR pillar approach to picking, prioritizing, and executing a profitable idea.

It's called F.I.R.E.

Your GIFT as an entrepreneur is that you are an idea generator. My gift is that I can help you choose the ideas that make your soul sing and help you prioritize your way to bringing them from concept to accomplishment.

🔥Together, we'll create a solid Foundation of Strategy

🔥Dive into the Insight and the struggle to see it for ourselves.

🔥Bring together the resources to start building your FIRE TOOLBOX

🔥And underscore the importance of Execution and what we learn.

Step FOUR is that you need to EXECUTE:

Oh boy, I'm excited! This is my happy place!

We have choices to make here. You've started the fire, and it's time to decide if you're going to

  • put this fire out

  • or keep the embers going so it's still burning when you are ready to ignite it.

  • grow it larger #bonfire

Like I said, I believe the three keys to Getting Shit Done.

  1. Consistency - The daily dose is the secret! Small achievable actionable items every day. It builds trust in yourself, your ability, and your customers.

  2. Self Responsibility - you need to know your obstacles and how to overcome them. No excuses. Ask for help.

  3. Intention - to take action. You have to want it.

BUT, too do these, you need:

🔥Habits and Routines - while each successful business owner looks a little different from the outside - we are all using habits and routines that support their daily activities towards the goals we are trying to achieve.

🔥Systems and Processes - Stop reinventing the wheel every time you do something. Having systems and processes streamlines the workflow and saves time and time is money.

🔥Consistency - Yep, I'm repeating it. Successful business owners know they must show up consistently. Again, that will look different to each owner, but the idea is the same. Create the muscle memory of getting things done.

🔥Understanding that Results are information -Classic story - you have a great idea, spend a lot of time/energy/ you have the best launch - you put the idea out there - crickets.

Just put the idea out there. And, If it's not selling, it's not working. The perfect launch and website will not educate people to want it.

  • Why isn't it working?

  • Are you going in the right direction?

Don't ignore the demand; get comfortable with adapting your idea. LISTEN to the feedback from customers.

Have a vision. Be flexible. Adapt.

🔥And of course, me. By your side - developing strategy, planning a course of action, and standing by your side as you GET SH!T DONE.

This bonfire is HOT!

Check Your Reality: (Ask yourself hard questions.) Are you building a community, or are you building an audience? Be unique.

4. Check your reality.

Building a successful business is not for the faint of heart.

But you are here because you own one, and you want to grow. You want your ideas to come to fruition and bring value to your customers.

If you take anything away from the last four weeks, it's this.

🔥Pick one idea and apply the framework I shared.

🔥Start small.

🔥Take one thing and put it into place.

🔥Create a habit and do it consistently.

My greatest joy in life (other than hanging out with my pup, Walter), is to inspire you to take action.

What steps are you taking to have no regrets?

Catalyst for Change, Jamie Chapman.

In other news…

What I love #chickbookjamieloves

Follow this hashtag for my weekly Jamie loves post on FB & Instagram

What I ate #chapmellomealplan

Did you know I write a meal plan every week and post it on my personal social media? This way my family doesn’t have to ask me every day “what’s for dinner” For 2022, I started using this hashtag. Follow on Instagram for meal ideas!

Feeling #FOMO about Coffee Connect? Join us!

What I’m reading: Mind Wandering