06/14/2022 Weekly Mind Sweep
Weekly Mind Sweep
Chickbook Creative / Weekly Mind Sweep
Contemplation: Focus - do you know where to focus your attention?
Citation of the Week: "Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." — John F Kennedy.
Conversation Consideration: Commit. Share it boldly. Act on it.
Check Your Reality: (Ask yourself hard questions.) Believe beyond fear. Pssst its growth
Now, let’s sweep the brain…
1. Contemplation: Focus - do you know where to focus your attention?
Focus is a mental muscle. The more you work on building it up, the stronger it gets.
Improving mental focus is achievable, but that doesn't mean it's easy.
However, just because you can teach yourself to focus better, you still need to know what to focus ON!
"The visible problem might appear to be a lack of focus, but the invisible problem is often not knowing where to focus to get the best results." https://fs.blog/brain-food/june-5-2022/
When you have insufficiently defined growth, your brain will procrastinate. It's almost as if you don't have a destination in mind; why start the trip, right?
What looks like a lack of focus is often a lack of understanding of where to start.
You have ideas. So many that sometimes they keep you up at night.
You have a notebook full of ideas and have yet to bring one to life…yet.
You have a program or product idea you want to bring out into the world
Need consistent content ideas for blogs, emails, and social media
Want to make a presentation about what you do, but you're not sure where to start
Are you looking to systematize a process within your business
Need an actionable plan to get your work into the world
Want to go from overwhelmed with ideas to inspired to take action?
2. Citation.
Many business owners treat all decisions the same, no matter the implications.
They'll spend as much time trying to decide a trivial decision as a major one. Lots of effort. Lots of courage.
Heading in the wrong direction.
Knowing if you are working on the right thing in business can be challenging. However, I believe it starts with considering your purpose and aligning with your values.
WHY do you do what you do? Do you LOVE the product or service that you offer? So much that often it does not feel like "work"?
WHO needs what you have to offer? Remember, you cannot will someone into wanting something you decide to put effort into and offer.
HOW do you deliver that message? Are you talking to the clients you'd like to attract in a way that feels comfortable to you, inviting to them, and in a place they can receive it?
WHEN was the last time you evaluated these questions? Was it before the pandemic? Then, it might be time to dig in and reevaluate the WHY, WHO & HOW.
3. Conversation Consideration.
Once you know WHY. WHO & HOW it's time to commit.
The only way to learn is to do.
Unfortunately, even the best-laid plans can have speed bumps, potholes, and dead ends. But, if we never start the journey, we'll never know what could be.
There is value in being prepared and doing your homework. But then you must commit, share it boldly, and act on it.
4. Check Your Reality: (Ask yourself hard questions.)
Believe beyond fear. Pssst its growth
Putting yourself out there in new and challenging ways can be uncomfortable. But, when you can take that leap, you put yourself in a place where you can learn.
When you are willing to learn, you grow.
You don't have to go it alone.
In other news…
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What I’m reading: We Should All Be Millionaires: A Woman's Guide to Earning More, Building Wealth, and Gaining Economic Power because Stargazer Creative has been insisting for months and sent it to my doorstep!