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đŸ”„Weekly Mind Sweep #55 | Manage Your Mind | Ego

January 2023

Week 53: Curated Conversation; Ego

Week 54: Mind Your Business; Ego

*Week 55: Manage Your Mind; Ego

Week 56: Contemplation; What’s On My Mind: My Thoughts On Ego

Now, let’s sweep the brain

Being able to understand how the brain works has allowed me to be more honest with myself about my thoughts, feelings and abilities.

This has also allowed me to be more accepting of my limitations.

Struggles are part of the human condition.

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In reality, there is no specific part of the brain that makes up our ego, but rather a system that drives it. A system that takes information from the past, present and future to support or sabotage the present moment.

We’ll put the topic of “free will” aside for another time.

We instinctively create stories of our identify to create a sense of safety and security in a world where very little is under our control.

Even when those stories do not serve us, we tend to hold onto them.

The brain is capable of changing and healing.

Our brains can be rewired and reintegrated.

This requires learning how to watch the ego's defense mechanisms get triggered and calm them down rather than acting on them.

A meditation practice that strengthens executive function, self-awareness, and compassion is one of the most effective ways to do this. This makes me feel:

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Exercise and strengthening these "higher neural circuits" will allow us to bring light into our shadows - that is, strengthen the pathways connecting the higher brain to sub-cortical structures.

Consciousness is a daily practice.

My daily practice of grounding, presence, integration and gratitude have supported me in moments when my ego may want to spin out of control and feed the shadow stories in me or in others.

There are no shortcuts, hacks or quick fixes.

As a result my negative self chatter is quieter, more compassionate and keeps my body more present in the moment. I’m able to recognize if I’m in fight or flight, name the fear, regulate my emotions and move about these moments more mindful in my words and actions.

While the outside world may be out of our control, we do have more control over our emotions than previously thought.

If we choose to do the work.

I choose to make my work a daily practice. I don’t “always” work and I don’t work “specific” hours.

I consciously choose every day to practice my consciousness, feed my curiosity by learning new things and making time to teach others from my life’s work in business and fascination of neuroscience.

In the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, I can reflect back and recognize my ego at play. I remember inner chatter of “I should” and things like “so and so is doing this ‘soleprenuer thing’ so much better than me” and “why can’t I be as successful as insert any Instagram business consultants name here”

The reality is, I’m right where I belong, doing exactly what I’m meant to be doing, right along side of you.

I’m right on time, and so are you.

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If you are feeling challenged by your business and could use support, insight, or guidance I’d love the opportunity to meet you where you are at.

My gift is turning ideas into profit. I’d love to learn more about your gift.

Let’s Connect!

Where to find me

EVERY MONDAY: 8 am - Curated Conversation - Zoom

THINK TWICE: Did you miss our Live on Friday? I’ve got you, the replay is available inside the Chickbook Creative Community. Are you NOT A MEMBER YET?! Join the group, here.

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What I’m reading

Immunity to Change | Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey

It all started with two Brene Brown Podcast with co-author Lisa Lahey. This book is DENSE and INTENSE.

But a few of us are reading it and looking forward to discussing it together. If the book feels overwhelming, we’d still love to have you chat about what we learn.

Let me know you're interested in being a part of the conversation!

Current Collaborations

THINK TWICE: Did you miss our Live on Friday? I’ve got you, the replay is available inside the Chickbook Creative Community. Are you NOT A MEMBER YET?! Join the group, here.

Chickbook Creative Community

Catalyst for Change, Jamie Chapman.

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