🔥Weekly Mind Sweep #57 | Goals, Boundaries & Protecting Yourself | Ego
January 2023
Week 53: Curated Conversation; Ego
Week 54: Mind Your Business; Ego
Week 55: Manage Your Mind; Ego
Week 56: Contemplation; What’s On My Mind: My Thoughts On Ego
Week 57: BONUS WEEK - Goals, Boundaries & Protecting Yourself | Ego
We've been on a wild ride with our topic of Ego for January. It was so big; we're taking one more journey before we lean into February.
Over the past several weeks of Curated Conversation, the topic of ego has brought questions of
Goal setting
Maintaining boundaries
Protecting yourself
Without awareness, our unconscious ego can swell to protect us when we forget that we are precisely where we need to be, doing exactly what we are meant to do with confident humility.
As entrepreneurs, we face our egos daily in these areas.
Now, let’s sweep the brain…
We're fed a list of “shoulds” on a daily basis. Our businesses rely on us to exist. For some, OUR face is our brand, and WE are the content we bring.
We've learned that our ego is necessary for us to move about the entrepreneurial space within this human experience.
After your long days with clients or customers, you're ready to disconnect from all of the hats you wear. (the creative mind, business owner, colleague, friend, confidant, and human, animal, or plant parent, to name a few.)
Whether you choose to:
brainsweep new ideas
read books to learn more about your business
watch t.v. to get your mind off of your business
scroll social media
connect with a friend or loved one
In these, you may experience comparison, judgment, or a feeling of powerlessness. Some of these we may experience consciously and sit in discomfort, while others lie beneath the surface and still have an influence on our actions and thoughts.
These experiences can cause your ego to take action. For example, you may set a goal, create or maintain a new boundary, or feel you need to protect yourself.
There is no right or wrong answer.
The not-so-secret secret here is:
The awareness that ego is a part of the human experience and that we need it to move about the world.
To take a pause and question yourself about what your intention truly is. Are you setting this goal or boundary to keep yourself safe?
Make choices that feel right for you and your core values.
To do the best you can with the skills and knowledge you have and the confidence to put that out into the world.
To learn from the information you receive back
We have blind spots and can use support
It is 100% possible that something will go differently than you intended, no matter how prepared you may be, no matter how many friends you have asked, and no matter how many books you read.
We are all human.
But you, my friend, are an entrepreneur.
You are unique.
You are gifted.
You are talented.
The world needs you to show up.
When you are ready for support, I'm here.
Where to find me
EVERY MONDAY: 8 am - Curated Conversation - Zoom
THINK TWICE: Did you miss our Live ? I’ve got you, the replay is available inside the Chickbook Creative Community. Are you NOT A MEMBER YET?! Join the group, here.
MISS MY VOICE? Check out recent podcast episodes.
What I’m reading
Immunity to Change | Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey
It all started with two Brene Brown Podcast with co-author Lisa Lahey. This book is DENSE and INTENSE.
But a few of us are reading it and looking forward to discussing it together. If the book feels overwhelming, we’d still love to have you chat about what we learn.
Let me know you're interested in being a part of the conversation! THIS IS THE LAST WEEK TO SHARE YOUR INTEREST!
Current Collaborations
Find a way to bring meditation into your daily routine. It doesn’t mean you have to spend hours on a mat. You can rewire your brain with short, mindful, grounding exercises!
(Did you know about the 1% on Marco Polo?) https://bit.ly/Chickbook1percent
The 1% Project is a collaboration with Virginia L’Bassi and Robin Thomas. We use an app called Marco Polo to each show up once a day with a tool for grounding, self-regulation, and questions to chickety check yo’self, Monday - Friday. (You get to practice on your own Saturday and Sunday. Join us!
In other news…
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