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🔥Weekly Mind Sweep #63 | Mind Your Business | Capacity

March 2023

Week 62: Curated Conversation; Capacity

*Week 63: Mind Your Business; Capacity

Week 64: Manage Your Mind; Capacity

Week 65: Contemplation; What’s on My Mind: My Thoughts on Capacity

New to the Weekly MindSweep? Past issues live here.

This weekend, I listened to a podcast episode about capacity, and the host said something that literally made me pause.

"No one is entitled to your capacity."

[wait, what?!]

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Now, let’s sweep the brain…

We have been conditioned to bypass our capacity by our society and perhaps our upbringing.

When dopamine enters our brains, we quickly disregard how our bodies and minds operate or feel, especially when we receive green pieces of appreciation, recognition, or material rewards.

This is how we have learned to behave. It is possible, however, to become aware, learn, and try a different approach.

See this content in the original post

We have learned to bypass our capacity.

Overworking and exceeding your capacity can cause your body to enter fight or flight. In this survival mode, we reach for soothing mechanisms like eating outside of hunger, excessive caffeine, and mindless activities to calm our bodies.

However, this will increase the challenges of maintaining your health.

As an entrepreneur, you have agency.

Capacity is ever-changing and fluid. Exercise, diet, and meditation are all excellent ways to increase capacity, but each day, what you have is what you have.

How you manage your time directly affects your capacity to be available to work in and on your business.

  • You can practice capacity awareness.

  • You can choose your input and output.

  • You can change the reflex to say yes to only please others.

If you are doing something in your business that feels like a stressful obligation, you are actively draining your capacity to be present and feel safe.

It directly impacts your ability to be productive in ways that are valuable to you.

When you pause to check in on your mind and body while you are working, you might experience a feeling of physical discomfort. For example, you're clenching your teeth, your back is tight, and your breathing is shallow.

Your mind might say things like, "I must get to the bottom of my email before I can go to bed" Your body is telling you that you've reached capacity and need to step away. The desire to get to the bottom of your inbox is causing you to stay in the discomfort of overworking.

Oh, hi, overwhelmed.

See this content in the original post

You choose how you spend your time in your business.

There are ways to build space into your workday to address these capacity issues. 

  • Unsubscribe from the noise in your inbox. Which emails do you consistently delete? If inbox zero is your goal, start by receiving less. They are taking up your headspace even if you don't read them.

  • Shorten 1-hour meetings to 45 minutes. Build in the space of 15 minutes between appointments. #foundtime

  • Charge an increased rate for offerings that require increased capacity. 

Instead of working from a place of conditioning, work from a place of capacity.

Making your capacity awareness your priority increases profitability, productivity, AND capacity to do more of what you love.

Ready to create a new pattern?

Ready to build a new practice in your business based on YOUR capacity?

You belong here; I can help.

Let’s Connect!

Where to find me

EVERY MONDAY: 8 am - Curated Conversation - Zoom

THINK TWICE: Did you miss our Live ? I’ve got you, the replay is available inside the Chickbook Creative Community. Are you NOT A MEMBER YET?! Join the group, here.

MISS MY VOICE? Check out recent podcast episodes.

What I’m reading

The Science of Storytelling by Will Storr

Why Stories Make Us Human and How to Tell Them Better

While learning more about storytelling, I came across this gem that explains how the brain understands stories!

Current Collaborations


Episode 4: It's Never too Late to Change Your Life with Jamie Chapman

“In this episode, I talk with Jamie Chapman, owner, and founder of Chickbook Creative. Listen as she shares her personal and professional reinventions. You can visit her website Chickbook Creative to learn more about her business and the services she provides to business owners.”

Audio & Video here!

In other news…

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