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đŸ”„Weekly Mind Sweep | Perspective |Week 27

IL;RI (It’s longer, read it)

Week 27: Curated Conversation: Word of JULY; Perspective.

Week 28: Mind Your Business: Word + Business. Mind your brain, manage your business.

Week 29: Manage Your Mind: Word + Brain Science & Health #BrainGeek

Week 30: Contemplation: What’s On My Mind; My thoughts on it. By popular request, more Jamie Chapman!

Now, let’s sweep the brain

Perspective. A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

As we all begin the second half of 2022, I welcome you to my new Weekly Mind Sweep.

Going forward you can look forward to a monthly topic where we can dig deeper on interesting topics with Curated Conversations, Mind Your Business, Manage Your Mind and a Contemplation; What’s On My Mind.

Buckle up, friends. You asked for it.

It feels timely to take July and discuss: Perspective.

  1. What does it mean?

  2. How does understanding other’s perspective help us in business and life?

  3. How can we learn to listen and understand others?

  4. What I think about it.


per·spec·tive /pərˈspektiv/ noun

  • a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Your perspective matters.

It comes from a place of experience, knowledge and understanding.

Have you ever been at the optometrist where they put you behind the phoropter (yes, I had to look that up) and they alternate through a series of lenses and ask you “Which one is better, 1 or 2?” There is no “right” answer, because the answer depends on the person behind the lens.

We each have a unique perspective, a lens which we interpret our lives.

Others’ perspective matters, too.

We don’t know what we don’t know and “perspective taking” is a powerful way to expand our learnings from the way other’s see life. Pro Tip: Once you know better, you can then start to do better.

Perspective taking is a crucial part of personal growth, increased understanding and empathy, and creates a more expansive perspective on human life itself.

Do you allow yourself the time to think, process and challenge your own perspective of situations in business and life? I fall in love with brains that challenge perspectives #braingeek

Are you able to see it as cleary as their perspective, rather than “good” or “bad”? Unless, of course, we're discussing something disgusting like old milk...unless it's turned into cheese, then we can reconsider. See

Who you surround yourself with, matters.

Be careful that you are not surrounded by people that share the same perspective, all of the time. Finding different points of view helps you uncover the blind spots. Take time to consider where their perspective is coming from.

  • Is it a big-picture or narrow view?

  • Are they blindly agreeing with you?

  • Do they struggle to provide constructive criticism of your thoughts?

When you are able to listen to and receive another person’s perspective you are able to see an issue from a bigger picture view, and likely able to understand more fully the emotional force behind their perspective.

We’ve reached a time in the world where humans can benefit from taking pause and listening to how we think, challenge our beliefs and biases and more than ever learn to listen with empathy.

Action Changes Things

This week I challenge you to:

Find a colleague, written article, or news story that challenges your perspective on a topic of your choice. Then, join Curated Conversations. Every Monday, 8 am.

See this content in the original post

C.O.M.E O.N! Let’s get to work.

Curated Conversation: Every Monday at 8 am. If you are receiving this email, you will receive a link to the Zoom meeting every Monday morning at 7 am inviting you to join in at 8 am. If an amazing woman has forwarded you this email, you can get more Jamie Chapman in your life, here.

One on One: Personalized MindSweep Mapping, Pick My Brain, Consulting. = more Jamie Chapman.

MindSweep Mapping: One in Hudson MA, one in N.H. Let’s map out a path that takes you from idea to profit.

Engaging Networking: Chickbook Creative Tour - Coffee, Cocktails, Bumper Boats, Lunch, other creative ideas I come up with.

Oh, you haven’t met me yet? Let’s Connect! Free Consultation or Network Connection.

Now. ← Time to act.

Catalyst for Change, Jamie Chapman.

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