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🧠 Weekly Mind Sweep #114 | Mind Your Business | Pride

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Imagine standing atop a mountain of challenges, but instead of feeling overwhelmed, you're filled with an unbeatable sense of pride.

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That's the power of entrepreneurship.

It's OK to feel proud of the business you are building.

In fact, I'd say it's essential.

As entrepreneurs, cultivating a genuine sense of pride in the businesses we build serves as a beacon for success.

What triggers our pride might differ from person to person. For some, it's overcoming personal hurdles like getting our socks on by ourselves; for others, it's achieving significant milestones like surpassing sales targets.

However, feeling authentic pride isn't subjective. It's necessary.

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Reflecting on my own journey before founding Chickbook Creative, I experienced the opposite of pride. In an environment devoid of encouragement, I hesitated to share my work or champion the brand I once believed in relentlessly. It was a period marked by shame. While the reasons for my shame may be subjective, I've realized that my experience was not unique.

Fostering a culture where employees take pride in their work, and the company they represent is a recipe for collective success.

It's an authentic place where they shout your name from the rooftops. Pride.

My personal journey mirrors the broader landscape of entrepreneurial endeavors, where the quest for pride intertwines with the challenges of building a business.

As entrepreneurs, not all of us have employees and cultures to consider. However, there is a lot we can learn from this larger model.

It begins with us.

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Entrepreneurs can take immense pride from:

  • The daily generation of novel ideas seemingly conjured from thin air. You bring your vision to life and build a business you are proud of.

  • The audacity to leap into the unknown, often without the safety net of revenue. We know that the leap allows us to try something new and learn from the experiences.

  • The resilience to withstand rejection , viewing it as an opportunity for growth. Not only in life but also in business.

  • The contribution to the economy and potential creation of job opportunities. Entrepreneurs do business with others, which supports economic growth.

  • The multifaceted role of executing every aspect of the business, from conception to implementation. I see you managing your bookkeeping and taxes while simultaneously promoting your products or services.

Still trying to feel proud? There's more!

Pride is a powerful motivator.

  • Entrepreneurs likely have created a business around serving a purpose. You create a better future for others. This doesn't have to mean you are necessarily addressing social or environmental concerns. It can also mean that you are improving people's lives.

  • You make a difference. You make a positive impact and a difference in the world around us. You create products or services you believe in and/or build a company culture that aligns with your values.

  • People do business with people who are good at what they do and are confident enough to show it.

Entrepreneurs often establish businesses driven by purpose, aiming to create a better future. This purpose isn't solely about addressing societal or environmental issues; it's also about enhancing lives.

Again, it starts with you.

When you feel proud of the business you are building, you develop a more profound sense of purpose in your work, which leads to motivation and healthy self-esteem.

This ripples out to your customers, colleagues, potential employees, and community.

Let your pride shine bright.

What accomplishments in your entrepreneurial journey are you most proud of, and how do they contribute to your sense of purpose and motivation?

Hit reply and share your thoughts with me!

[1] Did you miss our month on Failure? Read more here.

The answers you need for your business are already within you.

If you’d like support in pulling them out to build a business you are proud of, I’m here to help.

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