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🧠 Weekly Mind Sweep #120 | What’s On My Mind| Meaning

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A crosswalk is a powerful analogy for understanding meaning in our lives and businesses.

When you think of a crosswalk on a busy road, pedestrians and drivers need to know that rectangular boxes laid out in sequential order send a shared meaning:

  • Walkers know this is a safe space to cross.

  • Drivers know that pedestrians are likely to be present.

Shared meaning is essential.

Then, there are times when the story you are telling yourself from past experience doesn't benefit you:

  • Something from your childhood keeps you playing small or fearful of change.

  • An experience that causes your brain to think that speaking up is unsafe or that perfection is the ultimate goal.

The tricky part about meaning is that it's uniquely yours, even when a shared meaning may be involved. What if you had a near-death experience using a crosswalk and now are hyper-vigilant about using it?

The crosswalk has a different meaning to you.

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Entrepreneurship also has common principles to uphold despite personal meanings.

I think it is valuable for entrepreneurs to hold space and question the meaning we tend to give ourselves, which may be based on stories rather than facts.

We use meaning and purpose in everything we do. We provide a product or service that improves our lives or the lives of those around us. It's been a rewarding journey, and we want others to benefit from what we've learned along the way. Seeing your solution make a real impact and transform lives is extremely rewarding.

In entrepreneurship, your meaning matters.

Everyone has different values and beliefs that give their life meaning. What gives someone else a sense of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment might not be helpful for you—and that's okay.

With purpose, you feel empowered and more equipped to navigate challenges. You feel more comfortable and regulated when you understand WHY you are doing something.

Your purpose gives you a tangible view of the positive difference you make in the world.

There is no right way to find meaning.

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Our meaning motivates us to work tirelessly to share our gifts.

In our society, we must also find profit in our purpose so we can continue the work we love and generate the revenue we need to survive.

Our purpose as entrepreneurs transcends personal gain; it includes bettering our communities, industries, and the world.

Meaning leads to intrinsic interest and external rewards.

When you have a clear purpose, you attract and retain loyal customers who share your meaning, values, and purpose. They're also passionate about what your business stands for. This is a space where you build a deeper connection with your customers, which can build a strong and sustainable business that thrives for years to come.

Entrepreneurship is based on purpose, which is a driving force that fuels innovation, resilience, and a commitment to making a difference. To succeed in entrepreneurship, finding and nurturing your purpose is more than just a dream; it's a necessity.

Sure, the universe seems real, substantial, and tangible, but it's actually just a projection of your mind.

And, we spend a lot of time making sh$t up.

Limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, fear, masking, playing small, not speaking up.

Imposter syndrome makes us question our qualifications to "cross" into new opportunities.

All. A. Story.

What you perceive is not fact. It's YOUR reality. [1]

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Your interpretations of events are rooted in various cognitive sources including your childhood, past experiences, anxieties, objectives, hobbies, likes and dislikes.

You are free to choose the interpretation you give anything.

You have the power to choose what is meaningful to you.

When you find yourself frozen at the entrepreneurial "crosswalk," pause and reframe the situation. Reframing experiences is a tool in your toolbox, requiring practice and persistence.

Ask yourself:

  • Does this align with my life's purpose?

  • Will it further my mission?

  • What stories might be holding me back?

  • Will this generate awareness of my work or increase revenue to support my mission?

You are free to choose the interpretation you give anything.

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Just as all crosswalk users respect the safety rules regardless of their personal crossing reasons, entrepreneurs share guiding principles - like integrity and customer focus - that keep their personal missions sustainable.

While your deep meaning may come from past experiences, it's important to also pay attention to your business needs, such as watching market trends, researching like businesses, and being aware of your financial situation.

With the right mindset and purpose as your guide, you can stride confidently across the crosswalk of your entrepreneurial journey, knowing you're headed in a meaningful direction.

Reflecting on the idea that "what you perceive is your reality," how might changing your interpretation of events influence your entrepreneurial journey?

Reply and share your answer!

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[1] Did you miss our month on Reality?

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