🧠 Weekly Mind Sweep #79 | Curated Conversation | Permission

July 2023

*Week 79:  Curated Conversation; Permission

Week 80:  Mind Your Business; Permission

Week 81:  Manage Your Mind; Permission

Week 82:  What’s On My Mind; Permission

New to the Weekly MindSweep? Past issues live here.

We are not looking for permission

Let’s sweep the brain…



consent; authorization.

the consent of a person in authority.

All our lives, we've been conditioned to ask for permission. 

As children, the adults in our lives teach us that good things will happen if we follow the rules. 

We kindly ask permission to excuse ourselves from the table. We're taught in elementary school to ask permission to use the bathroom. In our teens, we ask permission to use an adult’s car or to stay out late. The older and wiser adult sets the rules for us to abide by.

Permission is power.

As a grown adults, there are still places that we may need to ask for permission when things are outside of our authority. Rules that support living in a civil society include not parking on other people's property, asking our city or town for a building permit, or using manners like asking 

someone to pass the pickles from across the table.

It can also be respectful in a relationship when you want to offer care and concern to a partner to discuss consent and reach a mutual agreement so either person can say yes or no.

But when do we begin to take responsibility and ownership of our choices?

Granted, it's only been: 

  • 103 years since women could vote for the first time.

  • 100 years since we've been allowed to wear pants

  • 53 years of being able to have our own credit cards without a husband.

  • 2 years since the United States' first woman Vice President was elected

  • 1 year since women lost permission over reproductive rights.

It's no wonder women may still feel conditioned to ask for permission.

Regarding our autonomy, inner voice, and choice, permission is the wrong word.

Let’s sweep the brain…

We don't need to permit ourselves to:

  • Leave a job that is no longer serving us

  • Make more money

  • Generate passive income

  • Write a book

  • Speak the truth out loud

  • Ask for support when we need it

  • Make decisions not only for our wants but especially for our needs

  • Change your mind. Even when you've said what you wanted out loud

  • Wear clothes you like

  • Be more creative

We are our own authority.

We get lured into the story [*1] we tell ourselves:

  • I will fail

  • People won't like what I'm offering

  • People will think I'm crazy

  • I can't afford it

  • It will be hard

  • People won't like me

  • People will judge me

  • My [friend/family/partner] won't approve

  • I don't have the time [*2]

  • I don't deserve it

What we are really doing when we look outside of ourselves for permission is seeking validation so that we feel at ease. 

We're not looking for permission; we're seeking emotional regulation.

If someone tells us it's OK not to do something we are uncomfortable doing, we don't have to jump. We want someone to stop us because staying safe is more comfortable.

Being uncomfortable is hard.

Try this exercise twice. Once with the story you tell yourself, then again with the facts.

  • I've always wanted to_________.

  • I've stopped myself because_________.

  • What I needed was_______.

Successful people don't ask for permission; they sit uncomfortably, resisting the impulse to do so.

They look doubt in the face and say, "Watch me," and they just do.

If you have goals and need support turning them into intentional action, join us:

The Summer Camp you’ve always dreamed of!

You bring the ideas; we’ll bring them to life!

This Six Week Back to Business Summer Camp will give you defined steps to move forward with your ideas into focused, inspired, and aligned action steps to start your week!

If you need support turning your Intent into a Goal (before camp begins on MONDAY JULY 10th) - Consider a MindSweep Mapping session before attending camp! (Learn more about this combined offer!)

Save your seat by the fire!

This has become a new space for my digressions.

[*1 ] Your brain is an organ that streamlines processing thoughts. It does not always tell us facts.

[*2 ] Yes, you do have the time. You’re not making it a priority.

Where to find me

EVERY MONDAY: 8 am - Curated Conversation - Zoom

Changing the world, one Monday Morning at a time. Learn more + Sign Up!

Mindful Connections: 9 am -

🧠 9AM - Join us for a Guided Meditation with @apparentconnection

🧠 9:05-10:00 Roundtable Share

  • Who you are

  • The gifts you bring to the world

  • Who you serve

  • The answer to a Curated question to spark conversation.

MISS MY VOICE? Check out recent podcast episodes.

What I’m reading

dopamine nation

Dr Anna Lembke

In Dopamine Nation, Dr. Anna Lembke, psychiatrist and author, explores the exciting new scientific discoveries that explain why the relentless pursuit of pleasure leads to pain . . . and what to do about it. Condensing complex neuroscience into easy-to-understand metaphors, Lembke illustrates how finding contentment and connectedness means keeping dopamine in check. The lived experiences of her patients are the gripping fabric of her narrative. Their riveting stories of suffering and redemption give us all hope for managing our consumption and transforming our lives. In essence, Dopamine Nation shows that the secret to finding balance is combining the science of desire with the wisdom of recovery.

What I’m listening to:

The Knowledge Project

#169 Dr. Julie Gurner (Part 1): Caring Deeply, Challenging Directly

On the first of two special episodes, acclaimed executive performance coach and doctor of psychology Dr. Julie Gurner goes in-depth on a variety of strategies and actionable advice that will help you perform up to your potential.

During this portion of her interview, Dr. Gurner discusses discipline, motivation, the imaginary rules we learned as children that hold us back today, setting boundaries, the advantages of caring deeply and challenging directly, and much more.

In other news…

Feeling #FOMO about Curated Conversations? Join us!

Jamie Chapman

Oh, Hi! I’m Jamie Chapman

I’m a Small Business Consultant who recognizes you might do things a little bit differently, and I’m here for it. I help support small businesses in a wide variety of industries and have a special place in my heart for neurodiverse entrepreneurs and ADHD business owners.

If you find that you’re often dancing to the beat of a pen tapping against your desk instead of your own drum, I see you and get you. And I want you to keep on dancing.

I value getting to know the whole person as a business owner and taking a holistic, human view of their needs. I meet you where you’re at and support you in getting to where you want to go.

I love watching small business owners thrive and feel proud of what they’re building.

Founder and Owner of Chickbook Creative, I’ve gained years of career experience in systems, processes, accountability, leadership, and project management. I bring a multi-faceted approach to problem-solving and extensive knowledge of executive functioning, habit formation, and the neurodiverse and ADHD entrepreneur’s mind.

I see and understand the ADHD entrepreneur brain at work, and I'm passionate about supporting neurodivergent business owners in a way that lets them shine their light and bring their gifts to the world for all to see (and pay them for!).


🧠 Weekly Mind Sweep #80 | Mind Your Business | Permission


🧠 Weekly Mind Sweep #78 | What’s On My Mind | Intent