05/24/2022 Weekly Mind Sweep
Weekly Mind Sweep
Chickbook Creative / Weekly Mind Sweep
Contemplation: Creative. Practice, even when you do not feel like it.
Citation of the Week: Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working. -- Pablo Picasso - Thank you, Katie Bourgeois, of Studio Bourgeois
Conversation Consideration: Put in the work. Do you have a pile of ideas in a notebook?
Check Your Reality: (Ask yourself hard questions.) Dare to be different. People remember the rule-breakers and change-makers.
My first IN PERSON WORKSHOP is here. I am excited to collaborate with Lisa Campbell of Mindfulfilled Meditation and Pam Formosa of BrainFit Academy
Now, let’s sweep the brain…
1. Contemplation: Creative. Being creative isn't something you summon when you want it.
It's a skill.
Like any new skill, the more you practice, the better you will be at it. Consider developing a new habit of scheduling time, sitting in conducive conditions, and expecting to have to put pen to paper even when you don't feel like it.
You won't get where you want to go if you're not showing up and trying.
Carve out the time to learn and practice. Discipline will be the bridge to where you are going.
Need support? You belong here; I can help.
2. Citation.
Creativity isn't something you inherit. You have to hone your skills.
Here are a few ways to do that, based on neuroscience. #braingeek
Engage with nature: Being outside and looking at the trees instead of our electronic devices allows our brains to make connections.
Meditate: in stillness, you can find answers.
Get moving: Exercising releases endorphins. When we are less stressed, our brains venture into more fruitful territory.
Connect with different kinds of people: Diversity makes the brain work harder by challenging stereotypes.
Practice remote associations: Brainstorm ideas, jotting down what comes to you, no matter how wild. You can always edit later.
Let your mind wander: Experts recommend "daydreaming with a purpose." Let your daydreams flow while nudging them toward the creative challenge.
Revisit your creative ideas: Aha moments can give your brain a high—but that rush might make you overestimate the merit of an innovative idea. Revisit ideas to critique and tweak them later.
Have an idea you want to revisit? I can help!
Thank you, Katie Bourgeois, of Studio Bourgeois, for introducing this quote during a recent Coffee Connect conversation about inspiration. Join us every Monday morning at 8am for inspiring conversation with phenomenal women in business! Join my Back to Business Facebook Group!
3. Conversation Consideration.
Fight the resistance.
When you discipline yourself to make time to be creative and prioritize the work, inspiration will come.
Discipline connects action with intention.
Your brain loves creative thoughts, but coming up with the ideas is only part of the process. We then have to discern what ideas are worth digging into.
Do you have a pile of post-it notes or notebooks full of ideas that you wonder if they could be profitable?
“The future depends on what you do today… Without action, you aren't going anywhere," Gandhi
4. Check Your Reality: (Ask yourself hard questions.)
You can do what everyone else is doing or dare to be different.
Option one is safe.
Option two is daring.
Dare to be different. People remember the rule-breakers and change-makers.
Which one are you?
In other news…
What I love #chickbookjamieloves
Follow this hashtag for my weekly Jamie loves post on FB & Instagram
What I ate #chapmellomealplan - ON HOLD
Did you know I write a meal plan every week and post it on my personal social media? This way my family doesn’t have to ask me every day “what’s for dinner” For 2022, I started using this hashtag. Follow on Instagram for meal ideas!
Feeling #FOMO about Coffee Connect? Join us!
What I’m reading: Mind Wandering